Weapons is a gaffed deck of cards that comes with 50 cards half of them with Blue and the other half in Red Bicycle Rider backs. It comes with a link to a downloadable 37 minute password-protected video hosted on Murphy’s Magic website, which explains some, but not all tricks that can be done with these cards. This is an excellent gaffed deck and worth picking up. I might just buy a second deck so that I have it, just in case, they ever go out of production.
The video consists of various studio and live demonstrations of tricks overdubbed to music with no voice or patter. Each demonstration is followed by an instructional video. Many of the tricks require fundamental sleights, such as a double lift. All of the videos are tight shots of just the cards and Ross’s hands.
The video contains some of the following effects and more:
Royal Switch. The Queen jumps off her card onto the King’s card (leaving a blank card with just index pips) and then back. Very cool.
Burn. A selected card is returned to middle of deck. When performer fails to make the selected card jump to the top of the deck, the top card is held above a flame from lighter. Miraculously the “heated” card is turned over to see parts of both the originally selected and mistaken revelation cards as if they are burned through each other.
King of Farts. Yup, that’s the trick. I love Ross’s outside the box thinking. The spectator picks the Kings of Hearts and it transforms into the King of Farts. Fun with a double lift!
Red/Blue is a simple trick and it is Ross’s favorite in the pack. The spectator fairly picks any card and it is apparently the only card with a different back.
Doug Conn’s Pips allows the performer to visually slide the pips across the card, one at a time.
Ross also provides double facers to perform McDonald’s Aces and gives a brief Elmsley Count tutorial.
Falling Pips is a take of off Daryl’s Presto Printo. Ross properly credits Daryl. This is a beautiful gaff that is not just a flat pip, but it shows shadows by the fallen pips and looks 3 dimensional. Ross provides his own suggested patter.
Lit is a trick by Dan Hauss and Dan White. This is a trick in which a matchbook turns into the selected card, in the spectator’s hand. It is a great trick, but he does not explain how to do it. Ross just provides the card and suggests that you buy the original, which seems to be currently out of print.
The Princess Card is explained and comes, like all the other gaff, in red and blue backed cards.
Additionally, there are 5 double backers. Some are the same colors, some are different colors and some mismatched by combining a rider back and a Tally Ho back. There are 2 cards to turn a cigarette into the chosen card and there are four 52 on 1 cards (two of which have a single missing card from the 52). There are also shaken “blurry” cards, a 4 and a half card, and two court cards in which either the King or the Queen is holding a mini prediction card. There is also a card that contains an image of a Quarter on it in addition to other cards.
This is a great deck with a very good to the point instructional video. I highly recommend this gaffed deck.