Think Nguyen really blew me away with this double DVD of advanced card magic project. In this project, he fooled me over and over and over again. It was just too much! Think tipped some amazingly strong stuff here. This is just too good, he is too talented and I am too jealous. I am so happy to own this double DVD and will be watching this numerous times. The best part about this is that the 2 DVD’s only cost $30, making this a super purchase.
The ad copy is rather simple and starts off with a quote from arguably one of England’s most famous magicians. It says, and I quote:
“Think Nguyen has some of the coolest card magic I’ve ever seen! – DYNAMO Think is a professional close up magician from Belgium, who specializes in card magic. Humble and quite reserved, he has only shared his magic with a select few people until now. He has contributed effects for magazines such as Arcana (Korea) and Vanish (USA), to name a few, whereby his creations have been well received by the magic community. Think’s well-guarded secrets have continued to generate interest within the underground magic scene. His ideas and effects have allowed him to travel the world, sharing his unique style and presentations over many conventions and lectures. In this DVD, Think has handpicked some of his favorite routines and sleights. There is something for everyone, from beginner to advanced card magic. His handling is elegant and subtle; the effects are mesmerizing and baffling. Magicians often describe his magic as if the cards are coming to life in his hands. With extraordinary card magic that will baffle and entertain any audience, Parallels is sure to set the standard for the future of card magic for years to come, and is just the tip of the iceberg from this rising star.”
First off, this is an Alakazam Magic production so it is well organized, as you would expect and the production quality is excellent. The close-ups are great and the presentation of the effects is also superb. Think performs each trick to a spectator and then repeats the performance to David Loosley. Because the tricks are so amazing, I was very happy to see the trick being performed twice, back to back. During the explanation, Loosely sits with Think and asks him to repeat certain portions of the tricks and draws information out of Think with his insightful and pointed questions. He certainly made the DVD much stronger and he is always a welcome addition to any magic project.
In these 2 DVD’s you have almost 3 hours of magic and it is so strong and so amazing. Like I said in the introductory paragraph, he kept fooling me in a way that made me feel like I was a layperson. I love that!This is not a project for beginners. You will need to already have strong card handling and cardistry skills to perform Think’s tricks, but even if you are not there yet, this will incentivize you to put in the practice and up your game.
Think is a masterful cardician and his culls and passes are invisible. He does wonders with four card productions and teaches some really cool moves where the entire deck spins on your finger, a card shoots out of the deck, and a single card rises and falls from the deck (while in the performer’s hands) that is reminiscent of a haunted deck, but it is all sleight of hand.
I have to say that if I could guarantee a recommendation, which I cannot, I would do it for this one. If you have a thirst for something that feels cutting edge and that makes you feel like a rookie again, this is it!
I thank Murphy’s Magic for sending me this DVD to review for all of you.