Kayfabe featuring Max Maven by EMC

Kayfabe is the Essential Magic Collection’s 4 DVD project featuring legendary mentalist and magician Max Maven. Consistent with EMC’s prior projects, this one too is fantastic.  So, what is Kayfabe?  It is, believe it or not, an American entertainment wrestling term for keeping secrets.  In this project, Maven “breaks” Kayfabe and reveals the secrets behind… Continue Reading Kayfabe featuring Max Maven by EMC

Tokyo Magic Carnival Vol 1 Secret featuring Ars-Takeshi Taniguchi

Tokyo Magical Carnival has released five DVD’s featuring prominent Japanese magicians. The series is called “Secret” and Volume 1, reviewed here, features Ars-Takesho Taniguchi. This is an excellent project which is taught by Taniguchi in Japanese. There is an audio English translation that is dubbed into the DVD if you so select, otherwise you will… Continue Reading Tokyo Magic Carnival Vol 1 Secret featuring Ars-Takeshi Taniguchi

Magikub by Federico Poeymiro

  Magikub by Federico Poeymiro is a gimmicked Rubik’s cube trick in which the spectator shows a mixed up Rubik’s cube and with the flick of the wrist, the entire cube is solved and it can be displayed on all 6 sides. With you $74.95 purchase of Magikub you get a gimmicked cube in a… Continue Reading Magikub by Federico Poeymiro

Forging Ahead by Jason Ladanye and Murphy’s Magic – The Vault Series

Jason Ladanye and Murphy’s Magic present forging Ahead, a fantastic easy to do miracle in your pocket with a card transposition on super-steroids and a spectator’s signature jumping from one card to another. This trick is part of Murphy’s “The Vault” series in which Bro Gilbert selects individual tricks for sale – and this one… Continue Reading Forging Ahead by Jason Ladanye and Murphy’s Magic – The Vault Series

Card Devilry by J.K. Hartman

Card Devilry is J.K. Hartman’s 14th (and perhaps final) card magic book in which he teaches a significant amount, both in terms of quality and quantity.  At $35, this book is a steal.  It is published by Vanishing Inc., designed by its’ co-founder Andi Gladwin, illustrated by Tony Dunn and proofread by several others including… Continue Reading Card Devilry by J.K. Hartman