Son of a Stunner (S.O.S.) is a fantastic download offered by Murphy’s Magic as part of the “The Vault” series and it only costs $9.95. S.O.S. is seven and a half minutes long and is performed and taught by Paul Harris and it is a real beauty. The spectators see you write something down on… Continue Reading S.O.S. by Paul Harris – The Vault Series by Murphy’s Magic
Meditations by James Went and Big Blind Media
Meditations by James Went and Big Blind Media is a truly awesome double DVD project. Each disc is generally organized in the same fashion. First, Went performs the tricks in studio and then explains how to them. Second, he teaches several “techniques” which range from various peeks, passes, controls and other assorted moves. Finally, Went… Continue Reading Meditations by James Went and Big Blind Media
Indigo by Beautiful Mind Magic
Indigo by Beautiful Mind Magic is a quadruple card prediction with 3 different spectators. At the beginning of the routine, the magician places a prediction card on the table with the words “Partner”, “Magician”, “Lady” and “Gentleman” on it and explains that he is the Magician. He chooses one of the spectators to be his… Continue Reading Indigo by Beautiful Mind Magic
The Charming Chinese Challenge by Troy Hooser and Vanishing Inc.
A Charming Chinese Challenge by Troy Hooser is one of the best close-up sleight of hand routines around. This is not new, but it is a revamped version with a new instructional video taught by Troy Hooser and new top quality Chinese coins. Years ago, I purchased this trick from Vanishing Inc. after watching Joshua… Continue Reading The Charming Chinese Challenge by Troy Hooser and Vanishing Inc.
Intro to Sponge Balls by Michael Dardant
Intro to Sponge Balls is Michael Dardant’s DVD project that teaches beginners how to handle sponge balls during several basic routines. The DVD costs $19.95 and is an hour and five minutes long. During the course of this DVD Magic Mike teaches the viewer a few sleights and moves, but this does not cover enough… Continue Reading Intro to Sponge Balls by Michael Dardant
Tokyo Magic Carnival Volume 3
Tokyo Magic Carnival Volume 3 of the “Secret” series features five tricks and techniques by Shimpei Katsuragawa. The card handling skills demonstrated and taught in the Tokyo Magic Carnival are hypnotic and with enough practice you will be performing impossible tabled card magic. The $34.95 price tag gets you a single DVD that runs an… Continue Reading Tokyo Magic Carnival Volume 3
Real Ace Cutting by Benjamin Earl and Vanishing Inc.
Real Ace Cutting by Benjamin Earl and Vanishing Inc. is a standout project in a market that is flooded with new material on a monthly basis. This DVD gets the highest rating and joins its sister project, Real Coin Magic on my “to watch over and over” list. There is a reason that Earl has… Continue Reading Real Ace Cutting by Benjamin Earl and Vanishing Inc.
Control by Darryl Vanamburg and Murphy’s Magic Supplies
Control is an awesome utility device that allows you to move ordinary objects without touching them. These objects include dollar bills, guitar picks, a deck of cards, cigarettes, a pebble, straws, paper balls, bottles of water and pens. This is just a sample list of items that fall under your trance when you are adorned… Continue Reading Control by Darryl Vanamburg and Murphy’s Magic Supplies
Signs by Manuel Llaser and Vernet Magic
Signs by Manuel Llaser and Vernet Magic is a fantastic mentalism card routine in which three spectators are each handed a piece of paper with an illegible scribble on it. They are told that there is a “sign” within the scribble and the performer whispers to them what he believes it to be. Then, as… Continue Reading Signs by Manuel Llaser and Vernet Magic
Invisible Triumph by Jim Krenz and Vanishing Inc
The Invisible Triumph by Jim Krenz is a superb Triumph routine with a gimmicked deck that can be handed out for inspection and used as a regular deck. For $30 you get a killer routine and it is worth it. If you are a fan of Triumph routines, you will be waving the Krenz fan… Continue Reading Invisible Triumph by Jim Krenz and Vanishing Inc