The Vault Series by Murphy’s Magic: The Mysterious Puzzle of The Missing Dollar Bill by Nicholas Einhorn

This is exactly the type of quickie that I love. It is mentally challenging and fools the eyes. I think that is exactly what Nicholas Einhorn set out to accomplish. Inspired originally by Daryl, many years ago, the story line is simple, snappy and goes as such: I went out to breakfast with two friends.… Continue Reading The Vault Series by Murphy’s Magic: The Mysterious Puzzle of The Missing Dollar Bill by Nicholas Einhorn

Static Marker by Wonder Makers

Static Marker is a very cool pre-made Sharpie gimmick that renders you with the power to make a Sharpie Marker into a magic wand. When you purchase this $29.95 utility device you are ready to go. You get a link to a streaming (not downloadable) 51 minute instructional video in either Russian or English. The… Continue Reading Static Marker by Wonder Makers

Game Changer by Jason Ladanye

Jason Ladayne’s growing reputation as a top-notch card man has been advanced with his sophomore release, Game Changer. This book, in a nutshell, is amazing.  The content is great, the design and layout are awesome and the delivery of the content is remarkable. The ad-copy for the book is as follows: “Game Changer is a… Continue Reading Game Changer by Jason Ladanye