This is exactly the type of quickie that I love. It is mentally challenging and fools the eyes. I think that is exactly what Nicholas Einhorn set out to accomplish. Inspired originally by Daryl, many years ago, the story line is simple, snappy and goes as such:
I went out to breakfast with two friends. The check was exactly $25. We each threw down a $10 bill and the waiter came back with exact change – 5 singles. The three of us each took $1 and left the remaining $2 as a tip. (Yes, the tip was poor, but you should have seen the service – even worse). So anyhow, the $10 we each put down less the $1 equals $27 between the three of us plus the $2 tip equals $29! Where did the extra dollar go? I just couldn’t work it out so I took hard cash money — $30 – and tried it at home and the results were amazing. The dollar disappeared right in front of my eyes. WATCH!

Then, you take out $30 and demonstrate the scenario right in front of the spectator on a table just inches from their own eyes. They will be amazed. This $7.95 downloadable trick is 21 minutes of excellent presentation and explanation by Nicholas Einhorn. Check out the promo video and if you like what you see, you will love this secret.
The ad copy says:
“Three guys go out for lunch. They pay. Yet each time they count their change, there is a missing dollar bill. So, they try it again. Another dollar is found missing. Each time they count the total dollars, one always goes missing. Nick Einhorn (winner of Penn & Teller: Fool Us) breathes life into a classic riddle that you have to see to believe. Count the dollars, one is missing. Count again, there goes another. It’s a smashingly fun puzzle that you will show at dinner parties and gatherings, where they will scratch their heads in disbelief. Open and honest deception has never been so much fun. • Works in all currencies • Easy to learn and perform • Instantly repeatable • Carry it and perform it anywhere Inspired by Daryl’s original routine ‘A Puzzling Bill Vanish’ and released with his blessing. Download the video and have fun!”
So, to accomplish this trick you will need to make some very simple but awesome gimmicks. It will cost you a couple of bucks to make the gimmicks and they will look great, guaranteed. It takes a few minutes to make them. You will also need some cash in different denominations i.e. a $10 bill, two $5 bills and the rest in singles. I went to the bank and asked for new crisp bills for the trick and recommend you do the same. Old crinkly and wrinkly bills just won’t do the trick. I also recommend, as does Einhorn, that you use a full size billfold so you do not bend the bills in a bi-fold or tri-fold wallet.
The trick is not that hard to perform, but there are many steps to it and that will take a bit of practice to memorize. Even though it is easy to perform, it is easy to mess up, so I had to write down the steps and then practice, practice, practice. It is well worth the practice because the effect just kills and astonishes.
Einhorn teaches alternate endings to the trick. One that is more of a “purist” approach to the trick and the other is a more magical approach. I love them both and will be using my large himber bill fold for the latter.
There is a very easy “move” to do which you will be able to master with literally a few minutes practice. Your bills will be able to be visually inspected as they lay on the table but your spectators cannot pick them up. Scoop them up when you are done and put them away and you will have no problem.
This mind-bending trick is fun and uses something that everyone loves – Money!!! Love this trick!
This great download can be purchased at any Murphy’s Magic dealer.