Mark Southworth’s Double Cross by MagicSmith

Double Cross is a must have for any table hopper or close-up performer. This simple routine is devastating to any audience.

In Double Cross you have the spectator make a fist and hold it closed. You then draw a small X on your hand with a Sharpie marker and close your fist. The presentation is up to you, but when you open your hand, the black X that you drew is gone from your hand and the spectator opens their hand and it is in their closed fist. It is totally amazing. It is incredible. It is mind blowing. Spectators freak out.

This is easy to learn by watching the quick streaming password protected instructional video taught by Chris Smith of Magic Smith. There are some angles to be aware of, but with a sleight amount of practice, you are in total control and don’t worry about a thing. The video also teaches you how to replace the needed stuff when the time comes.

This trick comes with the above-described marker and some stuff needed to execute the trick.

After performing this trick, you are instantly reset and ready to go again, immediately.

It currently retails for $60 and it is 100% worth every penny.