Killer Prediction by Cody Fisher and The Magic Estate

Cody Fisher’s Killer Prediction is a DVD that teaches a killer stage prediction routine of a freely selected audience playing card, with a kicker. You get a 48 minute DVD with your purchase that explains the method. Nothing else comes with the routine and you will need either an invisible or Brainwave deck to perform this trick as well as another item which can be bought at Walmart for less than $10. The ad copy contains a note about the special decks and the other item so this review is not revealing something that Cody didn’t already publicly reveal.

Basically the performer hands a boxed deck of cards to a spectator and asks them not to open the box. The performer throws out three crumpled up balls of paper, one at a time, to different audience members and they in turn collectively select the card by naming the suit (let’s say ‘Spades”) and value of the card (let’s say “Nine”) and also whether the card will be “face up or face down.” After the card is selected by the audience, the spectator that is holding the deck comes up on stage and verifies that only one card is reversed in the deck. It amazingly turns out that the reversed card is the audience-selected card. Then, as a kicker, the performer asks the audience members that are holding the balls of papers to open them and display them to the audience. Again, amazingly, the three pieces of paper spell the name of the card, in this example one card would say “Nine” another would say “Of” and the final un-crumpled ball of paper would say “Spades.” Any of the 52 cards could be selected. It is a total free choice. I would not perform this trick unless you are on a stage and have at least 20 people in the audience. This trick can be performed to much larger groups than 20 as well.

The Magic Estate DVD is excellent quality production and is easy to watch. Cody Fisher performs the routine live in a comedy club so you can how it is done and the reactions it gets. He explains how to set up the trick and gives tips on various handlings of the deck (which are very cool) and anecdotes from past performances. Fisher also does all the instruction himself and he is an excellent teacher. The only minor negative comment about the production quality is that when the camera is pointed into Fisher’s magic case, there are excessive shadows. Other than that, the DVD is great. The ad copy and promotional video are both accurate.

This trick is easy to perform in front of an audience and involves at least 4 different audience members which adds to the energy of the trick. The routine can run anywhere from 4 to 8 minutes and it will knock ‘em dead. If you don’t have a routine and want one, you can buy a killer trick for a very reasonable price.

This DVD is well worth buying.