Fisher’s Dream is a great effect that you can perform anywhere with this well-made and convincing gimmick. The spectator takes has a free choice and picks any card card. She signs the card. The performer allows a rope to be inspected and pulls out an empty paper bag, which can also be inspected. The cards are dropped into the brown paper bag and mixed up by shaking the bag. The rope, held by the performer is slowly lowered into the bag, shaken and when it is slowly removed, it has knotted itself around the signed card.
This trick comes with the rope, the gimmick, the bag a sheet of written instructions and a link to a downloadable video with a .rar extension. I could not initially open the video, but was able to on a different, more updated computer.
The video shows a live parlor performance, in Spanish, with English subtitles. The instructional portion of the video is taught very clearly and is easy to follow, despite have subtitles.
The ad copy and promotional video are accurate. The trick requires about 3 seconds to set up before hand and can be reset just as fast. The gimmick does not always work so smoothly, so a minimal amount of practice may be required to get it down. Do not let this comment deter you from purchasing this product
I highly recommend this fun and easy to perform trick.