What a cool designed deck of cards. Boasting peach, black, beige and white colors these cards stand out among many. The tuck case design is a beige and white 3D maze with the word “DIVISION” printed across the top. Interestingly, his design is not to be found on the card backs or anywhere else! Designed by artist Nick Vlow, these cards are really great! (check out his website www.nickvlow.com)

The cards are manufactured by the United States Playing Card Company and the ad copy states:
“Division Playing Cards is ideal for cardists and magicians alike who play with perceptions. These cards are a geometric collection of shapes celebrating the artist, Escher, and his concepts of cubic space division (hence the name). Perfect for flourishing and spreads. If you are obsessed with how the eye can fool the brain, how boundlessness can be achieved within a limited framework, get your hands on a deck of Division Playing Cards. Printed by U.S. Playing Card Company Custom seal Includes 2 gaffed cards Designed by Nick Vlow Produced by Danny Weiser and Murphy’s Magic”

This deck comes with a double backer and a double faced blank card along with two identical ad cards. The pips and court cards are standard except that instead of red ink for the hearts and diamonds, a pastel peach color appears. The only colors that are present in the court cards are peach, beige, black and white. The card back graphics can be seen in the pictures attached to this review. The cards have a slim white edge and a two way back design that has three dimensional rectangular figures, angled lines and spaces filled with the same solid colors that make up the court cards. The spades and clubs are printed in a very dark blue ink. It is really only distinguishable from the standard black ink to the most discerning observer – or if they are placed next to one another.
The cards handle well, faro nicely and are pleasing to the eye. Job well done!
Thanks to Murphy’ s Magic for sending these cards to me to review. They can be purchased at any Murphy’s Magic dealer.