The Deceptive Arts Playing Cards are a limited deck of playing cards with custom artwork and a great feel courtesy of Cartamundi. Created by magician, Josh Brett, here is what he has to say about his own cards from Brett’s website:
“Deceptive Arts Launch Edition. Printed on Cartamundi’s True Linen B9 finish (Copag310 Stock) Custom matte tuck case, jokers, ace of spades and jack of hearts Includes a blank card + a duplicate
These were created around everything I believe in life and magic. The designs on the cards and box are based on my tattoos which encourage you to raise questions regarding your own freedom, truth and free will. In a hypocritical society we must face up to our own truths about ourselves and realise we are the creators of our own reality. The Triangle represents the three forces in creation and the M represents you as the Master within your own world as a reminder that “Each will live according to your own belief” Stay true to your art and more importantly stay true to finding your role, journey and destination.”

These cards are limited to 1500 decks and have a great feel to them. Look at the pictures to see what you are getting with this 56 cards deck. All the standard cards plus a blank facer, two different color jokers with the same bull’s face and an extra Jack of Hearts.
The Jack of Hearts is Brett’s bearded face has him holding the Ace of Spades. The Ace of Spades is a beautiful Spade filled with the pervasive green color and the signs and symbols described above. The Spade is oversized and is inscribed with the words “Limited Edition DECEPTIVE ARTS XXIII”
The rest of the pips are close to standard. Compared to Bicycle 808’s, the Court cards have very similar drawings, but the eyes have bolder ink in the lines.
The flap on the tuck case is inscribed with the words “Deceptive Arts First Edition deck. May it serve the Master as a reminder that ‘you’ are the creator of your own reality”.
The box has a matte recycled paper feel to it and the cards themselves faro wonderfully. The cards new deck order are Ace to King, Ace to King, Ace to King and Ace to King. All the cards are side marked with a green stripe, surrounded by two thin black lines which make a nice line when spread or fanned.
Cards are great, look is fantastic feel is superb. Thanks to Murphy’s Magic for putting these in my hands so I can describe them to you! For $13 this limited edition deck is a real good one. Get two; one to keep and one to play!