The Classic Pass Z by Zee and SansMinds is an alternative handling to the classic pass. For $20 bucks you get a 16 minute DVD and a link to some artist notes on the move. Overall, I like this and I think it is worth checking out.

Is this different from the classic pass? Yes, it is. It will require a bit of practice and I think it is a good short-term challenge to have. If you love (or like) looking at different mechanics for moves then I think you will really enjoy this very short DVD.
The video production is excellent. The camera angles are great, the instruction is excellent and the slow motion is necessary. When trying to learn a variation to a move you already know, you may get a bit stuck, but nothing than cannot be fixed with the right amount of practice.
Zee set out to make the move look more invisible by reducing tension and eliminating a pause that accompanies the classic pass. He sought to eliminate any unnatural movement associated with the classic pass. I would say in large part he has accomplished his goal. There still are angles to be concerned about and I think I need to put significantly more time into practice before I would take it on the road, but I really like his take.
The ad copy states:
“Everyone in the swamp says it is impossible… But YOU are not born to be mediocre at what you truly love to do, magic. We believe you can safely escape from that nasty swamp… that’s why we have decided to ask Zee to include his way of improving sleight-of-hand moves in Classic Pass Z. In Classic Pass Z, Zee will show you the ins and outs of a true INVISIBLE pass and hold your hand every step of the way of learning it. Not only that, Zee also gives you tools that will help you to refine your magic as a craft which he used to pull himself out of that swamp filled with basic people. Learning from a video can often lead to missing a few crucial details in sleights. Therefore, we also have included written instructions in bullet points, and much more so you cannot possibly miss anything. When you get down Classic Pass Z, you will be able to control a card right under your spectator’s nose even after telling them to burn your hand! Oh, and it does not matter if the spectator is a layperson or a magician. Equally effective, hah! Classic Pass Z will be your shortcut to a genuinely invisible pass, and Zee will also give you another tool that will allow you to modify virtually anything. After getting Classic Pass Z, the only problem you’ll have is that we didn’t release it 6 months ago and help you to escape the swamp even earlier.”
I think that some people may think that $20 bucks is too much for a short DVD and the truth is that some people may be right. But, they may be wrong. It is really up to you. Are you a move monkey? Do you want to learn something new to accomplish the same result? The value of this DVD is a personal conclusion and it depends on your own view. Personally, I think this would have been better prices at $15 and perhaps as a download.
I for one, think that the DVD is really good and I am happy to have learned it. If you can’t take 15 minutes out of your life (or $20 bucks out of your wallet) then this is not for you. However, if you want to challenge yourself with a variation to an old move, I think you will really enjoy this DVD.
This project was provided to me by Murphy’s Magic to review and if you want to add this to your repertoire you can find it online at any Murphy’s Magic dealer.