Pieces is an interesting Christian Engblom creation. It was developed by Engblom after Juan Tamariz challenged him to create a Triumph effect using a borrowed shuffled deck in which the cards can be shown to be mixed face up and face down, showing both sides of the fanned deck, and then having all the cards right themselves only after being squared. What Engblom created is ingenious. It is Pieces. The name is as clever as is the method.
Pieces comes in a folded card stock box that looks like it holds a DVD. When you open up the box, you see that the gimmicks and no DVD. Even after seeing the gimmicks, I was unsure how the method worked. The trick is explained on a 47 minute streaming video (also downloadable) which is hosted on the Murphy’s Magic website. The quality of the video and sound is excellent and it mostly shows Engblom behind a table (with a very large close-up mat). Engblom performs and teaches the tricks and the various different effect that he created with the Pieces gimmick. The effects are well-thought out and truly very fooling. Likely Pieces is something that will fool most (if not all) magicians very badly. Engblom explains how he created Pieces and shows the prototypes as they were developed. I am not aware of any prior gimmick like this.
Although Pieces is taught with a borrowed shuffled effect, it is more difficult to accomplish than the non-borrowed deck effect. Engblom describes it as “a bit of an operation” and that he usually does not perform it with a borrowed shuffled deck. During the explanation Engblom didn’t execute perfectly for an instant demonstrating some of the limitations on the method, that being that it is not natural and easy to execute. To be able to perform this trick up to presentation-ready level, it will take a significant amount of practice. This is not for beginners. Handling the gimmicks can be a bit knacky, but the effect presented may be worth the work for certain performers. The explanation is taught at a brisk pace, which may require that you watch it more than once. This trick is also not for the magician that wants to be up and running within an hour after watching the instructional video. Engblom also teaches some non-Triumph effects that are also very strong using this clever gimmick.
Another great limitation, for some, will be that the trick needs to be done while seated at a table with a close-up mat or other surface that allows you to evenly control the cards when you fan them… thus, no glass and no wood. For that reason, this tricks is not for strolling gigs, restaurant work, or most private parties, unless you are seated with the spectators. There are some angles to be wary of and although the deck can end clean and be handed out, you will need to be careful before your take your victory lap.
This trick may be more suitable to present to magicians because the non-gimmicked version of Triumph will essentially have a similar effect on a lay person, although this version can pack the strongest Triumph reaction.
The ad copy is accurate as is the promotional video. You can see for yourself how direct a smack in the face Engblom’s method hits you.
I enjoyed the idea of this trick more than the idea of performing it due to the limitations described above. Nonetheless, this is a very clever and creative gimmick worth learning and playing with.